BioLife Organic Black Elderberry 100ml


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The elder tree has been called the ‘Medicine Chest of the ‘Country People’ and has been used throughout the ages. Studies has shown that the berry of the black elder tree is an effective food supplement

It was Dr. Jean Lindemann, the developer of interferon who first suggested to virologist Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu that she research the Black Elderberry. According to an article written by Dr. D. R Smallbone, viruses can’t reproduce on their own. To do this they have to invade human or other cells. Studies have shown the active extract of the black elderberry may help as the ‘flu virus tries to puncture cell walls with tiny spikes, the elderberry binds to the spikes helping to deter the virus getting in.

BioLife Organic Black Elderberry
is a high potency liquid extract botanical food supplement. Only 15-25 drops (0.75/1.25ml) are required unlike some brands that require 5/10mls (equivellent to about 100/200 drops)

Specification: 1:2 (25% v/v )